Miðað við þessa hönnun og stærð mætti ímynda sér að svona færi vel fyrir ofan Hlemm þar sem Hverfisgata og Laugavegur mætast.
Stöðin í Washington DC á sér heimasíðu þar sem má lesa fréttaumfjöllun um stöðina. Þar kemur m.a. fram að 80% af kostnaðinum kom frá ríkinu í gegnum "The Federal Highway Administration".
Skoðið einnig meðfylgjandi frétt og teikningar um aðstöðu sem fyrirhuguð er í miðborg St. Louis.
The 411 to House Downtown's First Bike Station
It's looking like downtown will soon become much more bike-friendly in the months ahead.
The city of St. Louis will use $225,000 of federal stimulus money to build a public commuter bicycle station on the first floor of LoftWorks' most recent development, The 411, at the corner of 10th and Locust.
The facility would include showers, bike storage and lockers, and bike repair services would be located nearby. Users would pay a membership fee to use the facilities, and officials hope to sign up 100 members initially.
This is a great step toward making downtown a more desirable place to work while helping to get cars off the road. Many other cities, including Chicago and Washington, D.C., have built similar facilities which have proven to be very popular. St. Louis' bike station will help make bicycle commuting a much easier option.