Conference schedule in English

Here is the conference schedule in English.

We will be translating live at one table for those who don’t speak Icelandic.


***  Cycling to the Future 2013  ***
***  ( Hjólum til  framtíðar 2013 )  ***
**** Children’s' right to cycle     ***

Iðnó, Vonarstæti 3, 101 Reykjavik.
20. September, during the European Mobility Week

  8.30 Registration / Conference material received

  9.00 The Surgeon General, Geir Gunnlaugsson  opens the conference and bestows a Cycling price upon a worthy candidate

  9.15 Cycling and mobility: happier and healthier children
         Tim Gill, Writer, consultant and independent researcher,

10.10 Coffee break

10:30 Strategies of the School and leisure division of Reykjavik regarding cycling by children and teens
         Oddný Sturludóttir , chairman of the School and leisure Division og Reykjavík City

10:50 Bicycle Collection by Barnaheill, why we collect bicycles
         Erna Reynisdóttir , executive Barnaheill - Save the Children in Iceland.

11:00 Bicycletrips around the Rangárþing area. Nature, education and local community
         Þorsteinn ( Thorsteinn )  Darri Sigurgeirsson elementary school teacher at Hella.

11:15 Let's Cycle to School ( Highscools )
         Sigrid Inga Viggósdóttir , Director of Non-competitive sports at the Icelandic Sports and Olympic Org.

11.30 What if ?  Traffic training garden in the Capital area
         Sesselja Traustadóttir, directress Bikeability Iceland

11.45 Summaries and Discussions

12.00 Lunch break – Soup and bread

12.50 Young people cycle into it
         Representatives of the Reykjavik Youth Council

13.00 How to get children riding bicycles?
         Trine Juncher Jørgensen, Dansk cyklist forbund.

13.45 Fossvogsskóli cycles
         Óskar S. Einarsson, headmaster at Fossvogsskóli ( Fossvogur elementary School).

14.00 Cycling to School at  FÁ
         Heiða Björk Sturludóttir, teacher at Fjölbrautaskóli (high school, part vocational) at Ármúli.

14.15 Ómar Ragnarsson  (  A nationally acclaimed journalist, performer, pilot, nature activist singing his bicycle song ) 

14.30 Coffeebreak

14.50 Cycling in the town of Akranes
         Karen Lind Ólafsdóttir, teacher at Grundaskóli, the national traffic safety mother school

15.00 Adventures on bicycles : Cycling trips in the highlands with youngsters in middle School.
         Jakob F. Þorsteinsson, chairman of the curriculum in freetime and social studies at the University of Iceland

15.15 Summaries and discussions

15.45 Reception at the City Hall. Mayor Jón Gnarr annouces EcoMobility Awards and delivers diplomas.
         Baggalútur  satirical artists perform (in Icelandic). Refreshments.

Chairs for the day :
*  Jakob Frímann Þorsteinsson, chairman of the curriculum in freetime and social studies at the University of Iceland
*  Oddný Sturludóttir chairman of the School and leisure Division og Reykjavík City

In the evening there will be dinner in the house of the Icelandic Olympic & Sports Organisation

It might be interesting to know that we have something going related to cycling  almost every day/night  of the Mobility Week (16th - 22nd of September )

Skoðið þetta

Allir hagnast á samgögnusamningum. Bætt heilsa, færri veikindadagar, skattfrjáls peningur og það bara fyrir að hvíla bílinn?
Samantekt Landssamtaka hjólreiðamanna um gerð samgöngusamninga.
LHM hefur útbúið leiðbeiningar fyrir umferð hjólandi á stígum og gangstéttum og götum. Markmiðið með úgáfu leiðbeininganna er að auka öryggi hjólandi í umferðinni og draga úr núningi milli hjólandi og annara vegfaranda hvort heldur er á stígum eða götum.
Leiðbeiningar LHM um umferð hjólandi á stígum og götum
Sáttmálinn innheldur góð ráð bæði til hjólreiðafólks og atvinnubílstjóra. Hann var gerður í samvinnu Samgöngustofu, Hjólafærni, Vegagerðarinnar, Eflu verkfræðistofu, Hjólaþjálfun (María Ögn), Landsamtaka hjólreiðamanna, Strætó, Lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og Reykjavíkurborgar Sáttmáli atvinnubílstjóra og hjólandi vegfarenda
Nú geta einstaklingar gerst aðilar að LHM með einföldum hætti. Nánar hér.

Stuðningsaðilar ráðstefnunnar