Jens Peter Hansen - Advocating bicycling in politics and towards citizens

Based on a background as member of city council of Randers, board member of Danish Cyclist Federation, treasurer and board member of European Cyclist Federation (ECF) and an experienced cyclist himself, Jens Peter Hansen will give a presentation focusing upon how to advocate bicycling in a political context and ways to nudge citizens to move from seat to saddle.

Since 2001, Jens Peter has been engaged in local politics as elected councillor of Randers City Council representing Venstre - The Liberal Party of Denmark. Currently, he is member of standing committees for Economic Affairs; Environmental & technical matters and Rural development.

As well as newly elected treasurer and board member at European Cyclist Federation (ECF), member of the Board of Directors at the Danish Cyclists Federation since 2014 and president of local branch of the organization in Randers since 2012, Jens Peter holds a record of board directorships in both private and public owned companies.

Forever learning, Jens Peter participated in Velo City conferences in Copenhagen, Vancouver, Seville, Adelaide, Nantes, Taipei and Nijmegen/Arnhem. He has experienced a number of different places from the saddle of a bike including Alaska, Australia, Belgium, California, Croatia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dubai, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Luxembourg, Massachusetts, Montenegro, Spain, Sweden and Taiwan.

Walk the talk – ride your bike: Consciously pursuing an active lifestyle, commuting to his work in Aarhus as position as senior energy policy adviser for The Danish Wind Turbine Owners’ Association is normally done on a road bike – 53 km each way. Riding 2.558 km in May 2017, he won the prestigious award as ‘Mile eater of the Year’ in the campaign Cycling To Work, in which 60,000 participated.

Besides e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and mobile +45 24481604, you can connect with Jens Peter through a number of social media channels. Searching for his preferred user name jenspeterhansen will bring up active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and more.

Skoðið þetta

Allir hagnast á samgögnusamningum. Bætt heilsa, færri veikindadagar, skattfrjáls peningur og það bara fyrir að hvíla bílinn?
Samantekt Landssamtaka hjólreiðamanna um gerð samgöngusamninga.
LHM hefur útbúið leiðbeiningar fyrir umferð hjólandi á stígum og gangstéttum og götum. Markmiðið með úgáfu leiðbeininganna er að auka öryggi hjólandi í umferðinni og draga úr núningi milli hjólandi og annara vegfaranda hvort heldur er á stígum eða götum.
Leiðbeiningar LHM um umferð hjólandi á stígum og götum
Sáttmálinn innheldur góð ráð bæði til hjólreiðafólks og atvinnubílstjóra. Hann var gerður í samvinnu Samgöngustofu, Hjólafærni, Vegagerðarinnar, Eflu verkfræðistofu, Hjólaþjálfun (María Ögn), Landsamtaka hjólreiðamanna, Strætó, Lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og Reykjavíkurborgar Sáttmáli atvinnubílstjóra og hjólandi vegfarenda
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