Charter of Brussels

At the Velo-City 2009 conference, the European Union and the European Cyclists Federation launched the Charter of Brussels where undersigned parties  pledge to promote cycling. Those signatory cities that have not yet reached at 15% modal share of cycling pledge to set a target of 15% by the year 2020.  Those having passed that mark pledge to improve still further.


Here is the text of the Charter of Brussels, available as a downloadable pdf file from :

Cycling contributes to

Liveable cities, efficient urban transport, less congestion, less traffic noise, healthy physical activity,road safety, clean air, gihjting climate change, saving fossil fuels and sustainable tourism.


On the occasion of the Velo-City 2009 conference in Brussels

Undersigned cities commit themselves:
a) To set a target of at least 15% for the share of cycling in the modal split of trips for the year 2020 and
of further growth if this target already is achieved
b) To set a target of - 50% for cyclists running the risk of having a fatal accident for the year 2020
c) To work on a bicycle parking and ‘anti bicycle theft policy’
d) To participate in and to set up projects to increase cycling to school and to work
e) To contribute to more sustainable tourism by investing in measures to improve and to increase bicycle
f) To cooperate closely with the bicycle user organisations, the bicycle retailers organization and the
bicycle industry organizations and other stakeholders as the police, consultants and expertise centers,
architects and builders of infrastructure to achieve the targets, and call upon all other European cities
to follow our example.

This city, together with all the other cities signing this charter, call upon the European Commission and
the European Parliament:
a) To set a target of at least 15% for the share of cycling in the modal split of trips in Europe for the year 2020
b) To establish the post of European Bicycle Officer in the administration of the European Commission
c) To create a parliamentary intergroup ‘Cycling’ in the European Parliament
d) To put adequate budgets at the disposal of European programs for the financial support of cities and
NGOs promoting cycling in Europe. 

Furthermore the signers of this charter call upon all authorities worldwide, at all levels to strongly promote cycling and to incorporate cycling into all areas of policy ( health, spatial plannig, city management, economy, mobility and traffic, leisure, sports, tourism )

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