Jamie McQuilkin - Bikemaps: Mapping the experiences of cyclists in Reykjavik

This presentation gives the results of a Vegagerðin-funded study where cyclists' feedback on infrastructure was collected via the website bikemaps.org, and analysed.160 reports of hazards, near-misses and accidents were submitted. The main recommendations of the report are for remediation of blind corners, particular at underpasses; a team to respond to a number of diverse small issues; redesign of several junctions along main cycleways, with detailed illustrations of Hlemmur, Harpa, and Elliðaárósa; information-sharing with street-sweepers removing gravel; and further solicitation of responses from the capital area’s cycling community.


Jamie McQuilkin, R&D Manager, MSc.

Jamie is the R&D manager of ReSource International, a Kópavogur-based environmental engineering company, and has a Master's degree in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Iceland. In addition to being a keen cyclist, he is interested in exploring ways in which people can contribute to designing the environments that they live and work within. In his other work he researches microplastic pollution, biogas generation and the reuse of waste products.


Skoðið þetta

Allir hagnast á samgögnusamningum. Bætt heilsa, færri veikindadagar, skattfrjáls peningur og það bara fyrir að hvíla bílinn?
Samantekt Landssamtaka hjólreiðamanna um gerð samgöngusamninga.
LHM hefur útbúið leiðbeiningar fyrir umferð hjólandi á stígum og gangstéttum og götum. Markmiðið með úgáfu leiðbeininganna er að auka öryggi hjólandi í umferðinni og draga úr núningi milli hjólandi og annara vegfaranda hvort heldur er á stígum eða götum.
Leiðbeiningar LHM um umferð hjólandi á stígum og götum
Sáttmálinn innheldur góð ráð bæði til hjólreiðafólks og atvinnubílstjóra. Hann var gerður í samvinnu Samgöngustofu, Hjólafærni, Vegagerðarinnar, Eflu verkfræðistofu, Hjólaþjálfun (María Ögn), Landsamtaka hjólreiðamanna, Strætó, Lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og Reykjavíkurborgar Sáttmáli atvinnubílstjóra og hjólandi vegfarenda
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