Hvernig stjórnvöld geta aukið hlut reiðhjólsins

presto_pic_webNú að loknum sveitastjórnarkosningum koma margir nýjir aðilar að borðinu í við stjórn og skipulagningu samgöngumála. ECF evrópusamband hjólreiðamanna sem LHM er aðili að hefur verið þáttakandi í verkefninu Presto. Þar hefur verið safnað saman þekkingu á því hvernig best er standa að málum þegar auka á hlut reiðhjólsins. Þetta ættu allir sem málið varðar lesa áður en lengra er haldið því þarna er bent á margar leiðir og sem ekki hafa verið prófaðar á Íslandi enn en eru líklegar til árangurs enda hafa þær sannað sig annars staðar í Evrópu.


Lesið bæklinginn "Guides and Fact Sheets" hér og lesið nánar um verkefnið á vef Presto

PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode” is a project of the EU’s Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).

PRESTO is about competence building in cycling policies. The project aims to offer a set of tools for technicians to create cycle friendly urban environments, to implement sound cycling plans and to start up targeted promotion campaigns. Besides the local activities in the five PRESTO cities are meant for the people, to encourage the use of bicycles also among elderly or those who live in very hilly areas. Today, pedelecs (bicycles assisted by an electric motor) are making cycling even more accessible and PRESTO will involve dealers to set up “try-out days” of pedelecs where people can test and see for themselves the advantages. Finally PRESTO will test an e-learning tool focusing on cycling policies aiming to become a long lasting training course.

The PRESTO website offers an overview of the project and its results. Find the training materials in the Policy Guides and Fact Sheets area and download the files in six languages. Check out the calendar of the “try-out days” of pedelecs in the Local news pages.

We hope you will find this website and its content useful to improve the cycling level in your city!

Your PRESTO consortium.